Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?
This is the #1 question clients ask when considering laser hair removal,” Does Laser Hair removal hurt?” It’s a reasonable question because we’re all hardwired to avoid pain, so what does laser hair removal feel like, and what can we do to lessen the effects?
According to The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, laser hair removal isn’t very painful. You should be fine with laser hair removal if you can tolerate other hair removal methods.
Clients describe the experience as a sensation of warmth, the feeling of hot, tiny pinpricks, or a rubber band snap.
We all have different pain thresholds, but the good news is it is over in a few seconds, and there are steps you can take to minimize the pain.
6 Ways to Minimize the Pain of Laser Hair Removal:
- Don’t schedule a treatment during your menstrual cycle because pain receptors are more sensitive.
- Hydration reduces discomfort, so be sure to be well-hydrated.
- Avoid caffeine on the day of treatment because it increases your pain sensitivity.
- Reduce the amount of hair that needs to be treated by shaving the area before your treatment.
- Use a numbing cream.
- Use a reputable laser hair removal clinic that uses quality lasers and experienced technicians.
At LightRx, our highly skilled technicians will cover all the details of the hair removal treatment you’re interested in and help you decide on the best plan for your needs.
Understanding Laser Hair Removal By Treatment Area
Legs: Shins, Calves, Upper Thighs
A laser hair removal session on our legs is the least painful of all body parts because the skin in this area has the lowest sensitivity level compared to other areas.
Hair follicles are also less dense in the calf region compared to other areas of the body. Inner thighs may be slightly more sensitive due to thinner skin, but legs are generally a low-pain area.
Arms and Underarms
Arms comprise two distinct areas related to hair removal because of the different skin thicknesses.
The arms and biceps have thicker skin, so they are low on the pain scale. Laser hair removal of the underarms can be slightly more painful because we have thinner skin in this area and a tendency towards irritation.
However, our skilled technicians at LightRx can suggest the right type of laser and after-treatment tips to minimize irritation.
Brazilian/bikini line
Laser hair removal in the Bikini line or Brazilian is the most popular area for laser treatment, but it’s also where we have the thinnest skin so it can be painful. Luckily, if you have ever had these areas waxed, you can handle laser treatment because the sensation is similar.
Facial Hair
Lip line, eyebrows, and other facial hair does laser hair removal hurt in these areas? Laser hair removal in the facial area varies according to area.
The eyebrows and most of the facial area feel similar to tweezing. The upper lip may be slightly more reactive because the skin is thinner, but the benefits are the elimination of regular tweezing in this area. Laser it and you’re done!
Post-Treatment Care
Our highly trained technicians will counsel you on the dos and don’ts after laser hair removal.
Side effects are mild, which could include redness or mild swelling in the treatment area.
Ice packs or cool compresses, Tylenol for pain relief, aloe vera gel, or a steroid cream can all be beneficial.
Waxing, tweezing, threading. The average American spends over 1400 hours and upwards of $30,000 in their lifetime dealing with unwanted hair. Laser hair removal is the perfect solution. Think of what you could do with all that time and money!
Set up a free consultation today. We are here to help!
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